Tips and HowTo's

Ruined King Theme

Immerse yourself in the dark and mysterious world of Ruined King: A League of Legends Story. Featuring hauntingly beautiful artwork and iconic characters, this theme brings the essence of Bilgewater and its cursed legend to your desktop.

  • Category Games
  • Theme can be used in Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 (8.1) / Windows 7
  • Ruined King Theme contains 15 HD walpappers


Theme wallpapers


Download theme for Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 8.1

ruined-king .deskthemepack
Midnight Ahri
Eren Yeager from Founding Titan (Attack On Titan)
Batman of the future (Arkham Knight)
Zhao Yan (Three Kingdoms)
Bronya Zaychik (Houkai Impact 3)
Celestial Champion Elysia
Red Wings (Warhammer 40k)
Furina: Golden Elegance

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