Tips and HowTo's

Liara T'soni Theme

Liara T’Soni is a Doctor by profession and was raised by a single parent, her mother. She is an expert Asari researcher who specialized in the extinction of Prothean. Having the high potential of romance from both the genders of Shepard, Liara is talented and is not a liar. Liara is born in 2077 on Thessia and uses her knowledge of Biotics due to her special training in it. Wait no further and grab these Liara T’Soni themed wallpaper from the Mass Effect franchise to decorate your desktop.

  • Category Games
  • Theme can be used in Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 (8.1) / Windows 7
  • Liara T'soni Theme contains 15 HD walpappers


Theme wallpapers


Download theme for Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 8.1

Watanabe Epitaph
DARTH MAUL (Star Wars)
Mysterious Scaramouche
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Mehrunes Dagon (Elder Scrolls)
Arknights Heroes of Lungmen
Ellie Playing Guitar

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