Tips and HowTo's

Fruits Basket Theme

Fruit Basket is a Japanese manga series which was written by Natsuki Takaya and published by Hakusensha. The fruit basket was the story of an orphan girl named Tohru Honda, who learns that twelve members of the Soma family are cursed to turn into the animal forms when they are weak or stressed. Tohru learns about the hardships and pains faced by the Somas family. If you like Tohru and the series of Fruits Basket, then you can grab and set these amazing and beautiful wallpapers from the series on your desktop screens.

  • Category Anime
  • Theme can be used in Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 (8.1) / Windows 7
  • Fruits Basket Theme contains 12 HD walpappers


Theme wallpapers


Download theme for Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 8.1

weightless anime
The Witch's Journey
Satoru blue Eye
anime girl with animal ears
Anime rain
Luffy's Rainy Adventure
Hollow Ichigo
epic showdown (Attack On Titan)

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