Tips and HowTo's

Death Stranding Theme

Death Stranding is a soon-to-be released action video game, designed and produced by Hideo Kojima and starring Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen. The multi-player game, which is set in an open world with a somewhat Icelandic vibe, is centered on the idea of connection that exists between life and death. Death Stranding seems to take a Sci-Fi angle but still has this feel of a trippy horror. Perhaps to get a better insight into what the game is all about, before its official release, it would be best if you download the Death Stranding desktop theme. The theme’s 12 high-definition wallpapers feature several game characters, captured in various scenes and with stunning artwork. Any gamer who loves action-packed video games will simply find this theme quite irresistible.

  • Category Games
  • Theme can be used in Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 (8.1) / Windows 7
  • Death Stranding Theme contains 12 HD walpappers


Theme wallpapers


Download theme for Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 8.1

Transcended Kayle (LoL)
Neon KDA Akali (LoL)
Yaksha (Genshin Impact)
Jinx: Spark of Madness
Baldur's Gate 3 Chronicles
Queen's Gardens (Hollow Knight)
Samurai (Roblox)

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